Lap dog
Lapdog Appearance
– Some lapdogs have been bred for extremes of small size.
– Lapdogs show distinct differences from their full-sized counterparts.
– Many lapdogs are bred to retain puppy-like traits.
– Body proportions may have changed, resulting in relatively shorter legs and larger heads.
– Lapdogs may have traits that resemble human babies.
Lapdog History
– Lap dogs have been kept as pets and status symbols.
– The Pekinese lapdog is one of the oldest breeds of dog.
– Lapdogs have been owned by members of the Chinese Imperial Palace.
– Lapdogs have ancient ancestors, such as the Tibetan Terrier and Lhasa Apso.
– The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was kept by English nobility in the 17th century.
Phalène and Papillon
– The Phalène is the earliest form of the Papillon breed.
– The Phalène appeared in numerous paintings of European royalty.
– Belgium, France, Spain, and Italy have been credited with the creation or development of Butterfly Dogs.
– The Papillon breed is no longer considered a lap dog.
– The Papillon breed is sportive and used in various activities.
Specific Lapdog Breeds
4.1 Pekingese
– The Sleeve Pekingese was a miniature of the standard-sized Pekingese.
– The Sleeve Pekingese was carried in the capacious sleeves of robes.
– The Chinese Imperial Household bred small Pekingese and practiced stunting their growth.
– Miniature Pekingese appeared in litters bred from full-sized Pekingese.
– The Sleeve Pekingese had a strong following in Britain.
4.2 Pug
– Pugs are the largest of the lap dogs.
– Pugs originated in China and satisfied the royalty of the Shang Dynasty.
– Pugs have wrinkled black faces and curled tails.
– Pugs became popular throughout Asia and were later brought to Europe and the Americas.
– Pugs share similar genes with Pekingese dogs.
4.3 Chihuahua
– Chihuahuas are one of the smallest lap dog breeds.
– Chihuahuas are named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
– Chihuahuas have big pointy ears and a high-pitched bark.
– Chihuahuas usually weigh less than 6.6 pounds and are 6-9 inches tall.
– Chihuahuas require proper training and socialization to avoid defensive behavior.
4.4 Pomeranian
– Pomeranians are the fluffiest of lap dogs with a double coat.
– Pomeranians tend to be a friendly, one-person dog.
– Pomeranians have a shedding non-hypoallergenic coat with various colors.
– Pomeranians are named after the Pomerania region in Central Europe.
– Pomeranians are split between Germany and Poland.
4.5 Miniature Pinscher
– The Miniature Pinscher is a small breed originating from Germany.
– The Miniature Pinscher has early ancestors.
– The Miniature Pinscher is commonly referred to as ‘min pin’.
– Additional information is needed for this subtopic.
Extinct Lapdog Breeds
– Russian Lapdog and Mexican Lapdog were types of small dogs from Russia and Mexico respectively.
– The Mexican Lapdog could be as small as a golden hamster.
– Immature Mexican Lapdogs were mounted to look like adults, giving a false impression of adult size.
– The Mexican Lapdog resembled white woollen toy dogs.
– Some toy dogs in shop windows were larger than the Mexican Lapdog.